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The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius

Journey as a Pilgrim to See All Things New in Christ


The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius is a school of prayer where we progress in living more intimately and consistently in the mystery of Christ’s love for us through coming to know who He is through His humanity and divinity. Is a journey of conversion experience that unfolds and emerges as we grow in the capacity to bear more grace* ( Sr. Janet Ruffing) ; to be filled more with God.  In this journey of transformation, we are gifted within this developmental mystical experience as the Spirit takes us onto the next step of ongoing successive transformations; for nothing is ever the same again. 



Start week after Easter  in April 2025 - ending week November right before Advent 


Follow the Liturgical Year

Start September 29 2025 - ending mid May 2026



The following is paraphrased from Bishop Barron's Pivotal Players video.


What is the History of the Exercises?

Rooted within the spiritual tradition in the Church, The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius have been universally considered one of the great masterpieces of ascetical theology by the Church.  It’s a complete guide and framework for growing in Christian perfection, which grew out of St. Ignatius' own experiences and in helping souls to find God in all things, to discover God's dreams, desires, and will for them. 


Who are the Exercises for?

The Spiritual Exercises are for those who desire to have a deep intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, to be freed from disorders and attachments through a heartfelt knowledge as the beloved sinner we are, and to flourish in discovering their true identity, mission, and place in the world through a grateful, loving service.



The Goal of the Exercises 

These Exercises consist of meditations in ordered, systematic progression, with the goal of inner freedom from disordered attachments so as to experience the depths of reality of God’s particular love and providence. Through this journey, we come to heartfelt, intimate knowledge of God’s revealed Self in Jesus Christ as we respond in gratitude, giving glory to God in joyous service as contemplatives in action.


To know Christ more clearly

To love Christ  more dearly

To follow Christ more nearly

day by day



What Do They Contain?

The Spiritual Exercise is a manual containing various meditations to be carried out by an exercitant with counsel from a spiritual director. The structure of the guidebook it opens with 20 introductory explanations called Annotations. Along with a statement of purpose of the Exercises - The Principle and Foundation, through which one comes to order one’s life and all of life's decisions towards what is pleasing to God. 


The Exercises consist of Meditations on the mysteries (50) in scripture on the life of Christ and several main spiritual exercises: The Call of Christ the King, The Two Standards (Christ and Satan), and the Three Classes of Persons, which fosters an adherence of the heart to total commitment to God,  The Three Kinds of Humility ( or Three Ways of Loving) called a consideration.



How Are They Structured?

The Exercises are divided into 4 Dynamic Phases called “Weeks.”


The First Week consists of exercises that are characteristic of the Purgative Way, the purification of the soul to free one from disordered attachments in advancing toward God.


The Second Week presents exercises proper to the movement of the Illuminative Way—with acquiring virtues in imitation of Christ, where we are called to participate with Him in spreading His kingdom.


 The Third and Fourth Weeks have the contemplative characteristics of the Unitive or Perfective Way with activities to establish a habitual and intimate union with God through Christ.  We associate closely with Christ

o   ​ in His Suffering in the Third Week

o   in  His and the disciples' Joy in the Fourth Week.


The Dynamic Weeks concludes with the Contemplation to Attain the Love of God



Also within the Exercises are the Rules of Discernment, Ways of Prayer ( Vocal, Mental - Discursive, Imaginative, Contemplative); and Examination of Conscience ( General and Particular). 



You are Invited 

To Journey as a Pilgrim to See All Things New in Christ




The Full Exercises
      "The Retreat in Everyday Life" (19th Annotation) 30-34 weeks
      "The Retreat in Everyday Life" (18th Annotation) Time frame varies




What are the Outline and Calendar Considerations?

Offered either as a 30-day silent retreat or a 30-week retreat in everyday life.


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