Publications & Presentions
Retreats based upon the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
Offered On-line and In-Person
19th and 18th Annotations
8 Day Directed Retreat
5 Day Directed Retreat
3 Day Directed Retreat
Co-Written /Offered Virtually, Individually
Come and See: A 10 Week Ignatian Encounter
Advent Retreat: Follow The Way of Hope, Peace, Joy, Love
Christmastide Retreat: Bethlehem to Egypt to Nazareth
Contemplation on the Public Life of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark
The Passion: Accompany Jesus Along the Sorrowful Way
Following the Way of the Risen Christ: An Eastertide Retreat
The Rosary: Gospel Contemplation on the Mysteries Retreat
Selections from Group Retreats
The Body of Christ: Gifts of the Incarnation to the Mystical Body - Virtual
Companions of the Transfigured Christ Diocese of Port-of-Spain, Trinidad
Sacramental Spirituality: The Eucharist - In Person
St. Paul’s Women Ministry Diocese of Bridgeport
St. Birgitta’s Convent, Darien CT- In Person
Lectio Divina
Intercessory Prayer
Lenten Retreat: Preparing Our Souls to Meet the Risen Christ
Through the Murphy Center for Ignatian Spirituality – Fairfield University- In Person
Spiritual Director
10 Week Ignatian Encounter
Retreat Director Busy Person’s Retreat
21 Day Challenge: Race and Social Justice
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
AMDG Silent Retreat
Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
Spiritual Direction In the Journey of Illness
EGAN School of Nursing & Health Studies - Fairfield University - In Person
Other Organizations
Diocese of Bridgeport - A People of Hope - Virtual
The Ignatian Way of Prayer
Office of Ignatian Spirituality – Easter Providence - Virtual
St. Mary's University of Minnesota Doctoral Symposium - - In Person
Answering the Call: Creating Your Vision as a Servant Leader in Serving the Common Good: Utilizing the Three-Fold Cornerstone - Human Dignity, Solidarity, and Subsidiarity For Your Decision-Making through the Virtues of Caritas and Justice
Self Care for Body and Soul
Greenwich Hospital Yale New Haven Health – Nursing & Administration - In Person
Spiritual Exercises: Retreats in the Everyday 18th Annotation
St. Catherine’s Parish Homebound Ministry, Riverside CT- In Person
Theology of Pastoral Care of the Sick and the Pastoral Visit
Experience and Theology of Illness for Ministers to the Homebound
Selections related to Catholic Social Teaching for CAPP-USA and F-CAPP- In Person
Linacre Journal: Catholic Medical Association
The principles of Catholic social teaching A guide for decision making from daily clinical encounters to national policy.
National Council of Catholic Women Quarterly
Catholic Social Teachings and the Foundations of Dignity
Diocese of Miami – Catholic School Science Teachers
Catholic Social Teaching Principles: At the Intersection of the Natural Sciences in Seeking Truth Serving the Human Person and Society
Fondazione Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice
International Conferences @ Gregorian and Vatican City State
The Good Society and the Future of Jobs: Can Solidarity and Fraternity be Part of Business Decisions
Family, Business: Overcoming the crisis with new forms of Solidarity 20 years after Centesimus Annus
Catholic Medical Association Conference
Presenter & Facilitator
"What is Basic Health Care and Catholic Social Teaching"
Diocese of Omaha Annual Clergy Formation Retreat
Presenter & Facilitator
Adults Faith Formation Program in Catholic Social Teachings within the Parish Setting: Through In-text Scriptural References within Caritas in Veritate
The Catholic University of America Certificate Program Catholic Social Teaching
Program Director & Presenter
"Spirituality and CST Call to the Laity"
Presenter - Representing Association for Catholic Chiropractors - In-Person
Catholic Identity in Health Care Workers
Conferences of the Pontifical Council for Healthcare Workers, Vatican City
World Federation of Chiropractic - England, Mexico, France, Canada, Portugal, USA
Legionnaires of Christ – Sonntaberg, Austria
The Praxis of Practice – Spirituality for the Clinical Setting
The International Federation of Catholic Medical Association’s (FIAMC) Scientific Symposium