Night Before Preparations Read the next day's gospel selections for understanding. If there is more than one reading for the day, consider the one that resonates with you.
Mornings - Offering, Lectio, Reflection Each morning consists of the Preparatory, the Readings of the Day ( Lectio) , Close, and Reflection
1. Preparatory Prayers Offertory Prayer Beginning your prayer time: At the beginning of each prayer period, offer yourself to the Lord. Pray the “Take and Receive” Take Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and my entire will, all that I have and possess. Thou hast given all to me. To Thee, O Lord, I return it. All is Thine; dispose of it wholly according to Thy will. Give me Thy love and thy grace, for this, is sufficient for me. Amen Petitionary Prayer Lord, grant me the grace to to be glad and rejoice intensely because of the great joy and the glory of Christ the Lord who has risen from the dead ( SE#221) Share your desires with the Lord for this day's retreat
2. The Lectio: Read/prayer the mystery slowly and pray attentively using all of your faculties - faith, and feelings - your interior senses, imagination, recall – as you pray with each section.
3. Close of the Prayer: Close your prayer time with your own words ( a colloquy), then a vocal formal prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, or Glory Be) 4. Reflection: At the end of each prayer period, note down your experiences on what were your insights, feelings, thoughts, images, and memories that came up for you. Sit a while to savor the graces.
Day Time - Recalling During the day, let your heart settle within the morning's contemplation
Evenings - Examen, Journaling Pray the Examen: Consider the graces from your Morning Prayer time and Day time recalling. Journaling is recommended after your review in the morning or after your Examen in the evening.