Ministry Offerings
For those who desire to grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ
For those who desire a deeper prayer life:
We look to learn from the gifts in our tradition: Lectio Divina, Ignatian Meditation, Contemplation, Colloquy, and Prayer of Silent Love, along with those natural movements from vocal to mental (interior), moving into contemplative prayer and differentiating the stages of studying, reading, reflecting, and in those times of dryness.
For those who desire to grow in virtue and holiness
Sharing knowledge in practicing the Examen prayer and learning its foundational underlying principles for developing a reflective, discerning mind and heart, one grows day by day in noticing God’s activity in their daily encounters and their response.
For those who desire to discover God‘s will for their life
Introductions to Ignatian Discernment, a way of decision-making, and St. Ignatius rules of discernment of spirits for understanding those interior movements (offering consolation and desolation).
For those who desire to sense more of the Holy Spirit‘s presence and/ or how to listen more attentively to how God speaks to each one of us.
I share from my clinical knowledge how God designed our brain/body and how our physiology; and about the faculties of the soul (intellect, will, and imagination) operate through our consciousness of the conscience ( the aboriginal 'vicar of Christ within') through developing an awareness, intentional attention of our affectivity..
For those who desire a road map for healing, wholeness, and interior freedom
I share the ways and methods from the Church’s traditions, which scientists have been researching using advanced technology and psychosocial assessment tools to prove there are health benefits to such methods. These are methods to dispose the brain/body, thus reducing stress, yet the gift of healing is always through the grace of God.
(Today, we find many applying those ancient 'methods', yet God, who is the ultimate focus and source of healing, God, has been removed from teh conversation along with the foundational theological and philosophical principles thus ultimately leaving the self in isolation, alienated, and in a voidd and existential crisis.)
Ministry Services
Spiritual Direction: What happens as we walk together
From the 2000 years since Jesus’ initial foundation of the Catholic Church and with the Holy Spirit’s guiding hand, our history with its Tradition and traditions of thousands of holy men and women, has gifted us today a treasure to learn from, to grow in holiness and into the person the Father has created us to be, and to help build the kingdom here and now and for the future. Within this treasure house of traditions, we discover our purpose and mission, for we are a link in a chain, set here in time and place to do His will. Spiritual direction is part of that treasure of being accompanied by one who will walk alongside for a time.
As the one seeking direction shares, we both listen for the leadings of the Holy Spirit that emerge from within the heart from those deepest desires. Together, we notice, observe, assess, and discern to make an initial flexible plan on what we need to learn or take up for the journey ahead in discovering God’s dream of who we are and growing closer to Christ in holiness.
As I walk alongside you at this time in your life, here is my prayer: May you and all who you love and who accompany you in your pilgrimage of life continue to be blessed by God, now and in the future to come.
Yours in Christ through Mary,
General Information
General Spiritual Direction
1 - 2 x a Month or less
Formational Spiritual Direction
Weekly Individualized: Limited Period
Directed Retreats
3 or 5 Day Retreats
10-Week Ignatian Encounter
Retreats of the Liturgical Year
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Retreats
8-Day Ignatian-based Retreat
18th Annotation The Ignatian Encounter – 12 Weeks
19th Annotation – The complete Spiritual Exercises “Retreat in Everyday Life” = 33-Weeks
Monday to Friday
USA Eastern Time Zone
Works with International Time Zones
Timing of Sessions
Standard ~ 45 minutes
Extended time available
Fees per Session
General, Formational, or Retreats*
Healing Through Grace: Integrative Transformational Care*
*per session fee based upon frequency and/or those on disability or taking the vow of poverty
Payments are accepted via Paypal, Zelle, Venmo, or Check
A Place for Practice Protocols and Plans within the Ministry of Spiritual Direction
As a clinician for neuromusculoskeletal conditions, I was trained to listen, observe, test, assess, differentially diagnose, and to conclude with a prognosis and treatment plan for in-office and home care or referral that also included after-care educational tools for prevention.
As a hospital-based chaplain, we were required to make a brief overall inquiry into one’s spiritual needs as it affected their health status using formal assessment models with open questions on one’s sources of hope, meaning, purpose, activities, and connections to others and with their belief systems having transcendent nature, then created a plan for a particular outcome in which brought in those clinical skills.
Yet within all those encounters, who was before was not just a patient in a physical or existential crisis who needed assessment and tools, but a person created and sustained by God with a divine nature that will live on into eternity, one who desired and was designed to be seen, heard, and known.
Therefore, you and I, together, will look into this part of your journey to help you asses and plan with the Holy Spirit.
A Plan for the Way of Life Towards Spiritual and Emotional Freedom to Grow in Holiness
Discovering the Beloved Self and God who is Love, loving
The Principle and Foundation
Who am I
Whose am I
Where am I going
What am I to do
Images of God
Relation with the Trinity
Experiencing being the Beloved Creation
Who is Jesus – human and divine – The Spiritual Exercises
My Blessed History
Freedom and Growing in Holiness: Tools
Freedom from Attachments
Virtue and Vice Retreat
The Wounds of Shame and Guilt
The Divine Mercy and Human Forgiveness Retreat
Walking into the Wounds with Jesus and Mary
The Continuum: Vocal, Mental, into the Contemplative Mystical
Reflecting / Awareness
Daily Examen
Examine of Conscience
Particular Examine Retreat
The Interior Life
Finding God’s Will - Decision Making
Discernment of spirits - Rules