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In this BLOG you will find these categories within the Posts:
1. Ignatian Prayer Methods
You will be introduced to 4 main prayer methods for the ‘way of proceeding’ in the Ignatian tradition; and also the Prayer of Quiet used universally in all faith traditions. 
  • The Examen: You will look at ways to reflect and sift through your daily life experiences using the prayer of the Examen to discover the leading thread of God’s presence and action in your life; as it unfolds day by day. 
  • Praying with Scripture: Ignatian Meditation and Contemplation are methods of praying as ways to experience God speaking to us through His words and placing us in touch with the living scriptures through our imagination. 
  • The Colloquy - a prayerful conversation with God.
  • Prayer of Quiet  - a prayer of the Heart that seeks to “be still and know that I am God.”
2. The Spiritual Exercises

You will find several Mysteries of Our Lord listed in the Spiritual Exercises with the scripture, with his points for prayer, and a painting for your contemplations. These are introduction samples to the full 30 Day or 30 Week Ignatian Spiritual Exercises.

3. Self-Directed Retreats in the Everyday

These self-directed retreats are based upon the spirituality of St. Ignatius Loyola, who discovered the dynamics of the human soul through his own experience and later in the experiences of his followers and retreatants. He went on to write his observations and experiences in accompanying others in what we know today as The Spiritual Exercises.

  • I view him as the 1st psychologist (of the soul - the soul as the whole person - body, mind, and spirit)  for he understood the interactions and integration of intellect, will, and feelings ( affections) within one's soul, and how the Holy Spirit speaks to us through each of them.

  • As you go through these different spiritual exercises ( 1- 12 Retreats in the Everyday & Mini-Retreats)  using the different methods of praying and by listening to God’s language with the ‘ear of the heart' you will be experiencing and becoming aware of the dynamics of movements in your interior life.

4. Contemplation in Action
This section has a variety of content. As you move through the BLOG, you will be introduced to the various foundational elements, concepts, basic terms, definitions, and aspects of interior life, such as the operations of the soul and the experiences of consolation and desolation in the discernment process.  Any questions you may connect with me or contact your spiritual director.
5. Wellness-Care Section
Be Surprised!



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