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These postings are divided into categories for your reference. For how to use this BLOG for self-directed retreats please click here.

9 min read
THE EXAMEN - Daily Prayer of Reflection in 'Finding God in All Things'
The Examen is a window of time for prayer, where we reflect upon how we encountered others in God in the everyday. It is a simple daily...

8 min read
To Be Known: God's Desire for Us
Healing with Christ in the Present from the Past for the Future These 8 God-given human desires are written in every heart and are basic...

5 min read
Growing in Holiness through the Virtue of Gratitude: The Particular Examine
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is...

3 min read
Distractions and Attention in Mental Prayer: Understanding Our Brains
Too many times, I hear from directees who say they have trouble sitting for an hour for mental prayer or almost any length of time no...

3 min read
Mental Prayer in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
What is Mental Prayer The practice of mental prayer is a time where we are with God in solitude and silence for sharing love in loving...

2 min read
How to Pray when Stressed
As we center our attention on Christ or Mary, who brings us to Jesus, our brain/body automatically enters into a reset, process of...

3 min read
How to Address Distractions in Prayer
Many times, I hear from directees who say they have trouble sitting for an hour for Lectio, mental prayer, or a meditation in the...

6 min read
Dryness in Prayer? Study, Read, Pray
Several of my new directees have expressed a distress in having a ‘dryness’ in their prayer life. They wonder why their prayers leave...

4 min read
Ignatian Ways of Praying with Scripture
St. Ignatius taught different methods of praying with the scriptures using our intellect, memory, and will. He considered all of our...
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