Karen Shields Wright, MS, DC, DM
As an Ignatian-trained retreat and spiritual director , my ministry practice focus is cura personalis. It's listening with you (together with the Holy Spirit) to where you sense God is drawing you towards and sharing what I studied from the teachings and wisdom within the Church’s spiritual tradition.
Moreover, as a retired clinician, I am here to help you understand how God designed us and to care for your body, as well as your soul, for giving glory to God in a life of prayer to discover God's desires for you to flourish in service with Christ. May my years of clinical experience and ongoing studies in evidence-based well-care, stress management, and spiritual care, with a focus on the Ignatian tradition, offer you the support you seek.
This site was initially developed to be a place for downloadable handouts for university students in spiritual direction; it grew slowly into much more for my other clients and retreatants, which you now see today.
I hope you find new ways or reminders to refresh and care for your soul.
Blessings to you and all you love,
As a Catholic, wife, mother, and grandmother with an entrepreneurial spirit, my career has spanned several dimensions as a chiropractic and wellness clinician, hospital chaplain, writer, presenter, volunteer, and businesswoman. As a lifelong learner, I seek to bring these God-given opportunities of my vocational experiences and skills to this ministry of accompaniment in service.
After researching the studies on spirituality and health during my clinical years as a chiropractic physician, I went on to graduate studies in Christian Spirituality and Spiritual Direction at Fordham University. My career trajectory then moved on to patient advocacy, hospital chaplaincy, and retreat work. After joining a Vatican-based foundation and obtaining a certificate in Catholic Social Teaching working in leadership, I taught and wrote on the intersection of public life and lay spirituality as a contemplative in action.
As a co-founder of Domina Nostra Viae, a 501c3 ministry focused on the ministry of spiritual direction, I serve within Our Lady of the Way, a Virtual Ignatian Retreat Center and developing a Registry of resources for Catholic Spiritual Directors.
Current and Past Work/Volunteer Experience
Ongoing and Formal CME and SD Formation
Presentations and Publications*
*Downloads from Presentations or Articles: Topics on Prayer; Discernment; Pastoral Care of the Sick; Lay Spirituality and Catholic Social Teachings; Health and Wellness